

These work in the same way as metal braces, but the brackets are made from a clear, transparent ceramic material. The braces are less visible to others, which makes them a popular choice for adults who need orthodontic treatment.


Clear and ceramic braces are far less noticeable than metal braces and offer an aesthetic solution for patients looking for alternatives to conventional metallic braces.

Less likely to cut gums or irritate sensitive oral tissue than metal braces


Clear and ceramic braces are far less noticeable than metal braces and offer an aesthetic solution for patients looking for alternatives to conventional metallic braces.

The clear ties that are used with ceramic and clear braces do have a tendency to stain if you consume certain drinks such as coffee or red wine, smoke, or eat certain foods.

Orthodontic treatment with clear or ceramic braces may take longer than with traditional metal braces.

Ceramic or clear braces are more than twice as likely to break off or fracture.